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Securing Your Business: Best Doors for Commercial Properties

Securing Your Business: Best Doors for Commercial Properties

The doors of your commercial property play a critical role in more than just providing entry and exit.

They act as a first impression for customers, a security barrier, and can even impact energy efficiency. And not just that. Recent studies show the concept of an open plan office (and workspace design in general) needs a radical rethink post-pandemic to boost productivity and wellbeing.

With so much to contemplate, choosing the best value commercial doors can feel overwhelming. This article will explore the most common commercial door types and factors to consider when making your selection.

What Makes a Door Commercial Grade?

A commercial-grade door isn’t defined by a single material, but rather a combination of features built to withstand the rigors of a business environment. This typically means a stronger construction compared to residential doors, with heavier materials like steel or reinforced aluminium. Office interior doors are usually wooden with a solid core.

Commercial doors also have more robust hardware designed for frequent use. They typically come with fire ratings or special features to enhance security or accessibility. Ultimately, a commercial-grade door is built for durability, easy operation, and the specific demands of a business setting.

Commercial Door Thickness UK
While not strictly mandated, commercial doors are generally more durable than residential doors. This often translates to a thicker build.

Standard internal commercial doors might range from 35mm to 40mm, similar to residential doors. However, fire doors (a crucial safety element in many commercial buildings) typically have a thickness of 44mm to 54mm to better withstand fire and heat.

Commercial Door Size UK
There are no set size requirements, but accessibility regulations play a role. Approved Document M of the Building Regulations dictates that commercial doorways should be wide enough for wheelchairs, typically around 800mm minimum for clear opening width.

Door height isn’t mandated but should allow for comfortable passage. Beyond regulations, commercial doors often differ from residential doors due to practicality. Wider doorways are common to accommodate higher footfall.

Standard commercial doors start at around 32 inches and go much larger depending on the business type.

Gain deeper insight into standard UK door frame sizes to simplify your shopping process.

The Difference Between a Commercial Door and a Residential Door

Unlike residential doors built for aesthetics and occasional use, commercial doors are built tough. They typically use sturdier materials like steel or reinforced fibreglass to handle the constant flow of traffic in a business setting.

Commercial doors are also a lot wider. This accommodates wheelchairs and pushchairs to promote overall customer ease. They also offer optimum security with heavy-duty locks and features like panic bars.

Think function over frills. Commercial doors may have large glass panels to boost brightness and create an airier feel. However, they mainly prioritise more functional features such as fire resistance and automatic opening mechanisms over intricate designs.

Understanding Your Workspace Design Needs

How important is keeping unauthorised access at bay?

Traffic Flow
How many people will be using the door on a daily basis?

Do you want a modern, classic, or welcoming look?

Will the door be exposed to harsh weather conditions?

Do you want a collaborative vibe or do you need quiet time for calls and meetings?

What is a Standard Commercial Entrance Door?

A standard commercial entrance door offers practicality and durability for everyday business use. Typically constructed from sturdy aluminium or hollow metal, it offers a balance between affordability and strength.

While specific sizes can vary, commercial doors are generally wider than residential doors to accommodate foot traffic flow. They often feature large glass panels for visibility and a welcoming feel, and may have automatic opening mechanisms for added convenience.

While security is important, a standard commercial entrance door might not have the most heavy-duty locks or fire ratings. These features can usually be added on depending on the specific needs of the business.

Are Solid Core Doors A Good Choice For Internal Office Doors?

Thermally efficient and practically soundproof, solid core doors are interior doors filled with a solid material, often composite wood, for sturdiness and sound insulation. So, highly suitable for offices, conference rooms, co working pods, or anywhere privacy and noise reduction are important.

Solid core doors are a good choice for many areas in a commercial building in the UK. However, fire regulations mandate fire rated solid core doors in specific locations (think stairwells and fire exits). This means it might be best to invest in solid core fire doors which also have fire-resistant properties to meet safety standards.

Discover everything you need to know about solid core doors and understand the key benefits before you buy commercial doors online using our dedicated article.

What Is The Best Door For a Commercial Building?

Aluminium Doors
A popular choice for its affordability, durability, and low maintenance. Anthracite grey aluminium doors are often used in high-traffic areas as they’re easy to keep pristine. Aluminium doors with glass panels offer maximum visibility, increased natural light and a striking, modern look.

Steel Look Doors
When security is paramount, black steel look doors are the way to go. They offer superior strength, fire resistance, and add instant quiet luxury design impact to elevate your brand aesthetic.

Glass Doors
Glass is used in doors for gyms and doors for restaurants. For a sleek and inviting entrance, glass doors are also great option for retail stores and offices.

Wood Doors
Wood doors perform best as interior doors. This rustic material introduces elegance, sophistication and a subtle cottagecore vibe. Perfect if you’re looking for high quality office doors that inject a little extra character.

Considering wooden office doors? Remember to buy wooden doors with a solid core. These are the most energy efficient doors and offer superior sound proofing too. Just what you need to reduce heating bills and enjoy uninterrupted video calls in a busy environment.

Requirements and Regulations

While there isn’t a single overarching regulation for all aspects of commercial doors, fire safety and accessibility standards are crucial for ensuring the safety and smooth performance of your commercial property. It’s always recommended to consult a professional to ensure your doors meet all relevant building regulations before commercial door installation begins.


Approved Document M of the Building Regulations also ensures commercial buildings consider disabled access. This means doors should be wide enough for wheelchairs, have easy-to-use handles, and have an opening force that meets BS 8300 standards.

Fire Safety

The most crucial standard is fire safety. Documents B and M of the Building Regulations set the minimum requirements for fire doors in commercial buildings. These documents often reference specific British Standards (BS) or European Standards (EN) for fire door construction and performance.

Common fire door standards include BS 476-22:1987 or BS EN 1634-1:2014, which dictate fire resistance ratings (FD30, FD60 etc.) Fire doors must be self-closing and properly installed to maintain their effectiveness.

Find out more about using fire doors in commercial buildings in our detailed guide.

Beyond the Material: Additional Considerations

Automatic doors improve accessibility and provide a touchless entry experience, ideal for high-traffic areas. Additionally, the right hardware (locks, exit bars, and closers) is essential for safety. You may also want to research made to measure commercial doors. Ideal when you’re working with an older or more quirkier space.

Learn everything you need to know about smart home technology and find out more about different types of locks for doors in our dedicated articles.

Choosing the Best Commercial Doors for You

When you buy commercial doors, think about security, traffic flow, design and functionality. Then, simply select a door that enhances brand experience and keeps your property safe. Consult a professional and visit door showrooms too. This can be helpful to ensure you get the right design and a smooth installation.

Remember, entrance doors and interior doors are an investment that contributes to the value and visual appeal of your space, and ultimately, your brand. Choose wisely.

Take a closer look at some of our recent commercial projects and make an enquiry about commercial doors today. Talk to our team about thermally efficient and soundproof solid doors (best paired with acoustic door seal kits) and FD60 fire doors. Perfect additions to any commercial property development opportunities.

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